Toothbrushing Tips and Tidbits

Posted on September 20, 2016 by Michael Moll

Dental disease is one of the most common diseases affecting dogs around the world. You may notice from time to time that your dog has bad breath, red gums or even tartar and plaque build up on their teeth. Just like humans, dogs dental health declines over the years leading to infections and disease of vital organs. That is why it is so important to keep our canine companions mouth clean and kissable! One way of doing so is regular toothbrushing. 

Some of you might be saying "yeah right, my dog won't let me do that!" But we are here to provide you with some helpful tips on making toothbrushing a positive experience for your best friend. 

dog and toothbrush

Getting Ready To Brush

Patience is key when introducing something new to our pups. As they are masters at feeding off of our energy, we want to make sure we are in a calm and patient state. Once your energy is channeled to the right place, focus on these few steps before beginning the toothbrushing process. 

  1. Find a toothbrush that is designed for pets or a very soft toothbrush designed for kids. 
  2. Dip your finger into something tasty like beef bouillon or tuna juice and rub it along their gum line to get them used to the feeling of having something on their teeth.
  3. Next try dipping a gauze square into your choice of juice, place it over your finger and rub teeth in a circular motion. Once your pup is comfortable with the process then try to look for a toothpaste with their favorite flavor.
  4. Practice holding the toothbrush at a 45-degree angle to the tooth surface and move it in a circular motion.

Brushing Time!

Now that you and your pup are ready for the brushing process, follow the steps below for a successful experience. Before you begin, make sure you have the toothbrush, favorite toothpaste and most importantly the well-deserved treat to finish off. 

  1. Find a calm and relaxing room to begin. 
  2. Put a small amount of toothpaste on your finger and let your pup lick it off.
  3. Gently lift your pups lips (starting from the back of the mouth).
  4. Put a small amount of toothpaste on the toothbrush and starting brushing in a circular motion. 
  5. Brush as many teeth as your pup will allow.
  6. End with a reassuring pat and a dental appropriate treat.
dog having teeth brushed

    Remember that this is a new and sometimes stressful process for your furry friend. You may need to take it slow and build up to brushing the whole mouth once daily. As you want this to be a positive experience, make sure that you reward your pup after each brushing experience. Be sure to choose a treat that possess dental benefits, to make sure you're not adding to the existing build up of plaque and tartar such as our Bullwrinkles Dog Treats.


    Source (Image): Ruff Ideas

    Source (Image): Cesarsway

    Source (Image): Celiasue

    Posted in Helpful Tips

